Proposed by Toby Walsh
The problem is to put n balls labelled 1,…,n into 3 boxes so that for any triple of balls (x,y,z) with x+y=z, not all are in the same box. This has a solution iff n<14. The problem can be formulated as an 0-1 problem using the variables, Mij for i∈1,…,n,j∈1,2,3 with Mij true iff ball i is in box j. The constraints are that a ball must be in exactly one box, Mi1+Mi2+Mi3=1 for all i∈1,…,n. And for each x+y=z and j∈1,2,3, not (Mxj∧Myj∧Mzj). This converts to, (1−Mxj)+(1−Myj)+(1−Mzj)≥1 or, Mxj+Myj+Mzj≤2.
One natural generalization is to consider partitioning into k boxes (for k>3).
Ramsey numbers are closely related, and are described in prob017.