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The following give various basic CSP models of this problem [frisch2001modelling], [frisch2001symmetry] [hnich2004hybrid].

More recent results, and more sophisticated models can be found in the following [gargani2007efficient] [schaus2011solving] [heinz2012solving].

This paper describes the closely related variable-sized bin-packing with colour constraints problem, and approximation algorithms to solve it [dawande2001variable].

This paper describes a more general (and significantly more complex) version of the steel mill problem [kalagnanam1998inventory].

Stefan Heinz, Thomas Schlechte, Rüdiger Stephan, and Michael Winkler
Solving steel mill slab design problems
Constraints 17(1), 2012

Pierre Schaus, Pascal Van Hentenryck, Jean-Noël Monette, Carleton Coffrin, Laurent Michel, and Yves Deville
Solving steel mill slab problems with constraint-based techniques: CP, LNS, and CBLS
Constraints 16(2), 2011

Antoine Gargani and Philippe Refalo
An efficient model and strategy for the steel mill slab design problem
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming–CP 2007, 2007

Brahim Hnich, Zeynep Kiziltan, Ian Miguel, and Toby Walsh
Hybrid modelling for robust solving
Annals of Operations Research 130(1-4), 2004

Milind Dawande, Jayant Kalagnanam, and Jay Sethuraman
Variable sized bin packing with color constraints
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 2001

Alan M Frisch, Ian Miguel, and Toby Walsh
Modelling a steel mill slab design problem
Proceedings of the IJCAI-01 workshop on modelling and solving problems with constraints, 2001

Alan M Frisch, Ian Miguel, and Toby Walsh
Symmetry and implied constraints in the steel mill slab design problem
Proc. CP’01 Wshop on Modelling and Problem Formulation, 2001

Jayant R Kalagnanam, Milind W Dawande, Mark Trumbo, and Ho Soo Lee
Inventory matching problems in the steel industry
IBM TJ Watson Research Center