Processing math: 100%

The model in [1] introduces two families of variables:

  1. One variable X[t] for each tank t representing the product type to be placed inside that tank. The initial domain is 0P (some tanks might be impossible for some products), 0 represents a dummy product meaning that no product is assigned to the tank t (in this case X[t]=0).
  2. One load variable L[p] for each of the product 0..P to be loaded on the vessel. This variable represents how much tank volume is available/assigned to each product. The initial lower bound on this variableL[p] is the quantity of product p to be loaded. This guarantees enough space is available to accommodate this product p (L[0]>=0).

These two sets of variables are linked with a bin-packing constraint(X,caps,L) where c is the vector of capacities for each tank. This constraint enforces L[p] = sumtintanks (X[t]=p)capa[t]p

Some table constraints can be added on some pairs of neighbouring tank variables x[i],x[j] to avoid incompatible products to be located next to each other.

The objective is to maximise the empty volume i.e. variable L[0].

[1] Pierre Schaus, Jean-Charles Régin, Rowan Van Schaeren, Wout Dullaert, Birger Raa: Cardinality Reasoning for Bin-Packing Constraint: Application to a Tank Allocation Problem. CP 2012: 815-822

File Type Notes
TankAlloc-051.essence Essence