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Kostas Stergiou, Paul Shaw and Toby Walsh
Arc Consistency and Quasigroup Completion
Proceedings of the ECAI-98 workshop on non-binary constraints, 1998

Carla P. Gomes and Bart Selman
Problem Structure in the Presence of Perturbations
Proc. AAAI-97, 1997

Maria Paola Bonacina Hantao Zhang and Jieh Hsiang
PSATO: A Distributed Propositional Prover and Its Application to Quasigroup Problems
Journal of Symbolic Computation, 1996

M. Fujita, Slaney and M. Stickel
Automated reasoning and exhaustive search: quasigroup existence problems.
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 1995

John Slaney
The Crisis in Finite Mathematics: Automated Reasoning as Cause and Cure
Proceedings of CADE-12, 1994

Hantao Zhang and Maria Paola Bonacina
Cumulating Search in a Distributed Computing Environment: A Case Study in Parallel Satisfiability
Proceedings of First Int. Symp. on Parallel Symbolic Computation, 1994

Hantao Zhang
Specifying Latin Square Problems in Propositional Logics

Hantao Zhang and Jieh Hsiang
Solving Open Quasigroup Problems by Propositional Reasoning