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Michael Codish, Alice Miller, Patrick Prosser, and Peter Stuckey
Breaking Symmetries in Graph Representation
IJCAI-13, 2013

E. Abajo and Ana Diánez
Exact values of ex(ν;\{C$_{\mbox 3}$, C$_{\mbox 4}$, ..., C$_{\mbox n}$\})
Discrete Applied Mathematics 158(17), 2010

E. Abajo, Camino Balbuena, and Ana Diánez
New families of graphs without short cycles and large size
Discrete Applied Mathematics 158(11), 2010

David K. Garnick, Y. H. Harris Kwong, and Felix Lazebnik
Extremal graphs without three-cycles or four-cycles
Journal of Graph Theory 17(5), 1993

David K. Garnick and A. Nieuwejaar
Non-isomorphic Extremal Graphs without Three-Cycles or Four-Cycles
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 1992

David K. Garnick, Y. H. Harris Kwong, and Felix Lazebnik
Algorithmic search for extremal graphs of girth at least five (preprint)