Proposed by Daniel Diaz
This problem consists in finding a partition of numbers $1..N$ into two sets A and B such that:
There is no solution for $N < 8$.
Here is an example for$ N = 8$:$ A = (1,4,6,7)$ and $B = (2,3,5,8)$
Then from $N >= 8$, there is no solution if $N$ is not a multiple of $4$.
More constraints can thus be added, e.g also impose the equality on the sum of cubes, …
Let $C_k$ be the constraint about the power $k$ defined as the equality :
$\Sigma_{i=1}^{N/2} A_i^k = \Sigma_{i=1}^{N/2} B_i^k$
Condition (a) corresponds to $k=0$. Condition (b) to $k=1$. Condition (c) to $k=2$.
This generalized problem can be seen as a conjunction of constraints $C_k$ until a power P $(C_0 /\ C_1 /\ … /\ C_P)$. The above problem corresponds to $P = 2$.
Empirically, I played with $P = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4$:
The sums of powers is known :
Recall in our case we need the half sums. The problem has no solution if the above sums are not even numbers. For P = 0 this implies N is a multiple of 2 (groups A and B have the same cardinality). For P = 1 (knowing N is multiple of 2 due to P = 0) then N * (N + 1) / 2 is even iff N is multiple of 4.
Here are the first solutions computed:
From these tests, it seems the smallest N for which a solution exists is $2^{P+1}$. Can this be proved ?
After that, it seems there are only solutions for N multiple of 2 (P= 0), 4 (P = 1 or 2), 8 (P = 3 or 4). Is this a constant depending on P ?
Another way to generalize this problem consists in increasing the numbers of groups (for instance consider 3 groups A, B, C).