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Mohamed Wahbi
Algorithms and Ordering Heuristics for Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problems
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Mohamed Wahbi, Redouane Ezzahir, Christian Bessiere, and El Houssine Bouyakhf
Nogood-Based Asynchronous Forward-Checking Algorithms
Constraints 18(3), 404–433, 2013

Toshihiro Matsui and Hiroshi Matsuo
A Constraint Based Formalisation for Distributed Cooperative Sensor Resource Allocation
International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems 4(4), 307–321, sep 2010

Weixiong Zhang, Guandong Wang, Zhao Xing, and Lars Wittenburg
Distributed Stochastic Search and Distributed Breakout: Properties, Comparison and Applications to Constraint Optimization Problems in Sensor Networks
Artificial Intelligence 161(1-2), 55–87, jan 2005

Ramón Béjar, Carmel Domshlak, Cèsar Fernández, Carla Gomes, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Bart Selman, and Magda Valls
Sensor networks and distributed CSP: communication, computation and complexity
Artificial Intelligence, 117–147, 2005

Hyuckchul Jung, Milind Tambe, and Shriniwas Kulkarni
Argumentation as distributed constraint satisfaction: applications and results
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Autonomous Agents, 324–331, 2001