% ECLiPSe Nonogram Solver
% by Joachim Schimpf, IC-Parc, Imperial College, London, January 2001
% Problem:
% Nonograms are a popular puzzle, which goes by different names in
% different countries.  The player has to shade in squares in a grid so
% that blocks of consecutive shaded squares satisfy constraints given
% for each row and column.  Constraints typically indicate the sequence
% of shaded blocks (e.g. [3,1,2] means that there is a block of 3, then
% a gap of unspecified size, a block of length 1, another gap, and then
% a block of length 2). Data for sample problems is at the end of this file,
% for more see e.g.
% Solution:
% This code solves all the problems below, the hardest one so far
% being p200 (25x25):
%	ps,n2-n16	by propagation alone
%	p197,p199,p200	with search, takes a while
% The main idea here is to have a powerful constraint (line_lookahead/4)
% which solves a single-line subproblem and exports the generalised
% result (using ECLiPSe's propia library).
% No particularly clever search strategy is used, just first-fail.

:- lib(ic).
:- lib(propia).

go(Name, Board) :-
	data(Name, M, N, RowBlocks, ColBlocks),		% get the data
	check_data(M, N, RowBlocks, ColBlocks),

	dim(Board, [M,N]),
	(						% row constraints
	    matrix_row(Board, I, Line),
	    line_setup(N, Line, Blocks, Positions),
	    line_lookahead(N, Line, Blocks, Positions)
	(						% column constraints
	    matrix_column(Board, J, Line),
	    line_setup(M, Line, Blocks, Positions),
	    line_lookahead(M, Line, Blocks, Positions)
%	pretty_print(Board),

	flatten([RowPositions,ColPositions], AllPositions),	% search
	search(AllPositions, 0, first_fail, indomain, complete, []),

% setup constraints on one line (row or column)
% Line is an array of boolean variables
% Blocks is a list of block sizes (integers)
% Positions is a list of variables representing the block positions
% Gaps is a list of variables representing the gap sizes

line_setup(NFields, Line, Blocks, Positions) :-
	length(Blocks, NBlocks),
	dim(Line, [NFields]),			% field variables
	Line[1..NFields] :: 0..1,
	length(Positions, NBlocks),		% position variables
	Positions :: 1..NFields,
	NGaps is NBlocks+1,			% gap variables
	length(Gaps, NGaps),
	Gaps = [Gap1|Gaps2N],
	once append(InnerGaps, [GapN], Gaps2N),
	[Gap1,GapN] :: 0..NFields,		% outer gaps can be empty
	InnerGaps :: 1..NFields,		% inner gaps must exist

	sum(Line[1..NFields]) #= sum(Blocks),
	    fromto(Blocks, RightBlocks, RightBlocks1, []),
	    fromto([], LeftBlocks, [Block|LeftBlocks], _BlocksReverse),
	    fromto(Gaps2N, RightGaps, RightGaps1, []),
	    fromto([Gap1], LeftGaps, [RightGap|LeftGaps], _GapsReverse),
	    RightBlocks = [Block|RightBlocks1],
	    RightGaps = [RightGap|RightGaps1],
	    LeftGaps = [LeftGap|_],
	    Position #= 1 + sum(LeftBlocks) + sum(LeftGaps),
	    Position #= 1 + NFields - (sum(RightBlocks) + sum(RightGaps)),
	    place_block(Line, Position, LeftGap, Block, RightGap)

% constraint to update the Line-booleans that correspond
% to the block at Position and the adjacent gaps

place_block(Line, Position, LeftGap, BlockSize, RightGap) :-
	get_bounds(LeftGap, MinLeftGap, _),
	( for(I,Position-MinLeftGap,Position-1), param(Line) do
	    arg(I, Line, 0)
	( for(I,Position,Position+BlockSize-1), param(Line) do
	    arg(I, Line, 1)
	get_bounds(RightGap, MinRightGap, _),
	( for(I,Position+BlockSize,Position+BlockSize+MinRightGap-1), param(Line) do
	    arg(I, Line, 0)
place_block(Line, Position, LeftGap, BlockSize, RightGap) :-
	suspend(place_block(Line, Position, LeftGap, BlockSize, RightGap), 2,

% Lookahead constraint for one line:
% This uses propia to compute the most general solution
% for the single line subproblem

line_lookahead(NFields, Line, Blocks, Positions) :-
	    solve_line_problem(NFields, Line, Positions, Blocks),
	) infers most.

solve_line_problem(NFields, Line, Positions, Blocks) :-
	line_setup(NFields, Line, Blocks, Positions),

% Auxiliaries

matrix_row(Mat, I, Row) :-
	Row is Mat[I].

matrix_column(Mat, J, Col) :-
	dim(Mat, [M, _N]),
	ColList is Mat[1..M,J],
	Col =.. [[]|ColList].

pretty_print(Board) :-
	dim(Board, [M,N]),
	( for(I,1,M), param(Board,N) do
	    ( for(J,1,N), param(Board,I) do
		X is Board[I,J],
		( X==0 -> write("  ")
		; X==1 -> write(" *")
		;         write(" ?")
	    ), nl
	), nl.

% sample problems
% data(ProblemName, NRows, NColumns, RowBlocks, ColumnBlocks)

% from
data(ps, 9, 8,
    [[3],[2,1],[3,2],[2,2],[6],[1,5],[6],[1],[2]],	% row blocks
    [[1,2],[3,1],[1,5],[7,1],[5],[3],[4],[3]]		% column blocks

% from
data(n2, 10, 10,
data(n3, 10, 15,
data(n4, 6, 6,
data(n5, 10, 10,
data(n6, 15, 15,
data(n16, 15, 15,
data(n19, R, C, RB, CB) :-
    data(p199, R, C, RB, CB).

% from
data(p197, 20, 15,	% difficulty 7
data(p199, 20, 20,	% difficulty 8
data(p200, 25, 25,	% difficulty 9

% the example quoted in Optima#65, Mathematical Programming Society Newsletter
data(optima, 20, 20,

% simple check for typos in the data

check_data(M, N, RowBlocks, ColBlocks) :-
	length(RowBlocks, M),
	length(ColBlocks, N),
	( foreach(Blocks,RowBlocks), fromto(0,S0,S1,RowTotal) do
	    S1 is S0+sum(Blocks)
	( foreach(Blocks,ColBlocks), fromto(0,S0,S1,ColTotal) do
	    S1 is S0+sum(Blocks)
	RowTotal = ColTotal,
check_data(_,_,_,_) :-
	writeln("Inconsistent input data!"),