% Maximum density still life in MiniZinc.
% CSPLib 032:
% This model was inspired by the OPL model from
% Toni Mancini, Davide Micaletto, Fabio Patrizi, Marco Cadoli:
% "Evaluating ASP and commercial solvers on the CSPLib"
% Compare with the Comet model:
% This MiniZinc model was created by Hakan Kjellerstrand,
% See also my MiniZinc page:
% Licenced under CC-BY-4.0 :
% include "globals.mzn";
int: size = 7; % to change
set of int: objFunctionBoardCoord = 2..size+1;
set of int: checkConstraintsBoardCoord = 1..size+2;
set of int: augmentedBoardCoord = 0..size+3;
% Search space: The set of all possible assignments of 0s (dead) and 1s (live)
% to the cells of the board section. However, to be able to easily express
% constraints on "boundary" cells, we take as search space the set of 0/1
% boards of size n+4 by n+4: the actual stable pattern appears in the sub-board
% defined by ignoring the first/last two rows/columns.
array[augmentedBoardCoord,augmentedBoardCoord] of var 0..1: grid;
var int: z = sum(r in objFunctionBoardCoord, c in objFunctionBoardCoord) (grid[r,c]);
% Objective function: Maximize the number of live cells in the sub-board defined
% by ignoring the first/last two/ rows/columns.
% solve maximize z;
solve :: int_search(
[grid[i,j] | i,j in augmentedBoardCoord],
maximize z;
% C1: Cells in the first/last two rows/columns are all 0 (dead)
forall(x in augmentedBoardCoord) (
grid[0,x] = 0 /\
grid[1,x] = 0 /\
grid[size+2,x] = 0 /\
grid[size+3,x] = 0 /\
grid[x,0] == 0 /\
grid[x,1] == 0 /\
grid[x,size+2] = 0 /\
grid[x,size+3] = 0
forall(r in checkConstraintsBoardCoord,c in checkConstraintsBoardCoord) (
% C2: Each cell of the board (except those of the first/last row/column)
% that has exactly three live neighbors is alive.
% Together with constraint C1, this implies that cells in the
% second/last-but-one row/column cannot have three live neighbors.
( ( grid[r-1,c-1] + grid[r-1,c] + grid[r-1,c+1] +
grid[r,c-1] + grid[r,c+1] +
grid[r+1,c-1] + grid[r+1,c] + grid[r+1,c+1]
) = 3
) -> (grid[r,c] = 1)
% C3: Each live cell must have 2 or 3 live neighbors (cells of the first/last
% row/column may be ignored by this constraint)
(grid[r,c] = 1) ->
2 <=
( grid[r-1,c-1] + grid[r-1,c] + grid[r-1,c+1] +
grid[r,c-1] + grid[r,c+1] +
grid[r+1,c-1] + grid[r+1,c] + grid[r+1,c+1]
( grid[r-1,c-1] + grid[r-1,c] + grid[r-1,c+1] +
grid[r,c-1] + grid[r,c+1] +
grid[r+1,c-1] + grid[r+1,c] + grid[r+1,c+1]
) <= 3
% SBSO: Symmetry-breaking by selective ordering
% The assignment is forced to respect an ordering on the values that occur in corner entries
% of the board. In particular:
% - if the NW-corner cell is dead, the SE-corner cell
% must be dead too
% - if the NE-corner cell is dead, the SW-corner cell must be dead too
grid[2,2] >= grid[size+1,size+1] /\
grid[2,size+1] >= grid[size+1,2]
output [
if j = 0 then "\n" else " " endif ++
| i,j in augmentedBoardCoord