
  Nonogram (Painting by numbers)  in Comet
  Nonograms or Paint by Numbers are picture logic puzzles in which cells in a 
  grid have to be colored or left blank according to numbers given at the 
  side of the grid to reveal a hidden picture. In this puzzle type, the 
  numbers measure how many unbroken lines of filled-in squares there are 
  in any given row or column. For example, a clue of "4 8 3" would mean 
  there are sets of four, eight, and three filled squares, in that order, 
  with at least one blank square between successive groups.

  See problem 12 at

  This model uses the built-in constraint regular and Automaton.
  Compare this to my own home-brewn regular constraint in

  Many thanks to Pascal Van Hentenryck for the improvements which reduced the 
  running time for the P200 problem from 1:30 minutes to about 1 second. The 
  improvements are commented below. The significant best improvement was the 
  (re)ordering of 1..rows / 1..cols in the labeling.
  The developments of this model has been written in the following blog posts 
  (sorted in reversed order of publication):

  * "Comet: Nonogram improved: solving problem P200 from 1:30 minutes to about 
    1 second"

  * "Comet: regular constraint, a much faster Nonogram with the regular 
    constraint, some OPL models, and more"

  * "More Comet models, e.g. Nonogram, Steiner triplets, and different set covering 

  Also, compare with the following models:
  * Comet: 
    (older model, no regular constraint)
  * MiniZinc:
  * Gecode/R: (using "regexps")

  This Comet model was created by Hakan Kjellerstrand (
  Also, see my Comet page: 


// Licenced under CC-BY-4.0 :

import cotfd;
int t0 = System.getCPUTime();

// Problems:

// From
// The lambda picture
int rows = 12;
int row_rule_len = 3;
int row_rules[1..rows, 1..row_rule_len] = 

int cols = 10;
int col_rule_len = 2;
int col_rules[1..cols, 1..col_rule_len] = 

// Nonogram problem from Gecode: Dragonfly
// include "nonogram_dragonfly";

// Nonogram problem from Gecode: P200
// Statistics:
// Before improvements suggested by Pascal Van Hentenryck:
//  num_solutions: 1
//  time:      92726
//  #choices = 142167
//  #fail    = 284334
//  #propag  = 242312778
//  comet -j2  93,63s user 0,17s system 99% cpu 1:33,89 total
// With the improvements suggested by Pascal Van Hentenryck
// and my own implementation of regular ( )
//   num_solutions: 1
//   time:      607
//   #choices = 520
//   #fail    = 1040
//   #propag  = 1213237
//   comet -j2  1,66s user 0,11s system 99% cpu 1,766 total
// With this model using Automaton and the built-in regular constraint.
//   num_solutions: 1
//   time:      437
//   #choices = 520
//   #fail    = 794
//   #propag  = 693993
//   comet -q  1,82s user 0,10s system 99% cpu 1,936 total

// data files should be imported from the "data" parent directory, for example
// include "../data/";

// Nonogram problem from Wikipedia, soccer player
// Also see
// include "nonogram_soccer_player";

Solver<CP> m();

// The grid
var<CP>{int} board[1..rows, 1..cols](m, 0..1);

Integer num_solutions(0);
// explore<m> {
exploreall<m> {

  forall(i in 1..rows) {
    check_rule(m, all(j in 1..row_rule_len) row_rules[i,j], all(j in 1..cols) board[i,j]);

  forall(j in 1..cols) {
    check_rule(m, all(k in 1..col_rule_len) col_rules[j,k] , all(i in 1..rows) board[i, j]);

} using {

  // Slightly different labelings depending on the size of the problem.
  // We start with the smaller dimension.
  // See above for credit to Pascal Van Hentenryck.
  if (rows * row_rule_len < cols * col_rule_len ) {

    forall(i in 1..rows, j in 1..cols: !board[i,j].bound()) {
      tryall<m>(v in 0..1) by (-v)
        m.label(board[i,j], v);
      onFailure m.diff(board[i,j], v);
  } else {

    forall(j in 1..cols, i in 1..rows: !board[i,j].bound()) {
      tryall<m>(v in 0..1) by (-v)
        m.label(board[i,j], v);
      onFailure m.diff(board[i,j], v);

  cout << "#fails  = " << m.getNFail() << endl;
  cout << "#propag  = " << m.getNPropag() << endl;
  forall(i in 1..rows) {
    forall(j in 1..cols) {
      string s = " ";
      if (board[i,j] == 1) {
        s = "#";
      cout << s << "";
    cout << endl;
  cout << endl;
  cout << flush;


cout << "\nnum_solutions: " << num_solutions << endl;
int t1 = System.getCPUTime();
cout << "time:      " << (t1-t0) << endl;
cout << "#choices = " << m.getNChoice() << endl;
cout << "#fail    = " << m.getNFail() << endl;
cout << "#propag  = " << m.getNPropag() << endl;

// check_rule: The main function. 
function void check_rule(Solver<CP> m, int[] rules, var<CP>{int}[] y) {

  int r_len = sum(i in 1..rules.getSize()) (rules[i] > 0);
  int rules_tmp[1..r_len];
  int c = 1;
  forall(i in 1..rules.getSize()) {
    if (rules[i] > 0) {
      rules_tmp[c] = rules[i];

  Automaton<CP> aut =  make_automaton(rules_tmp);, aut));

} // end check_rule

// Build the transition matrix for a nonogram pattern.
function Automaton<CP> make_automaton(int[] pattern) {

  int p_len = pattern.getSize();
  int num_states = p_len + sum(i in 1..p_len) pattern[i];

  Automaton<CP> aut(1..num_states+1, 0..1, 1, {num_states, num_states+1});

  // convert pattern to a 0/1 pattern for easy handling of
  // the states
  int tmp[1..num_states];
  int c = 1;
  tmp[c] = 0;
  forall(i in 1..p_len) {
    forall(j in 1..pattern[i]) {
      tmp[++c] = 1;      
    if (c < num_states) {
        tmp[++c] = 0;

  // create the transition states
  forall(i in 1..num_states) {
    if (tmp[i] == 0) {
    } else {
      if (i < num_states) {
        if (tmp[i+1] == 1) {
        } else {


  return aut;  

} // end make_automaton