language Essence 1.3

$ Problem Diagnosis
$ Problem details available at
$ Essence model by Andrew Martin
$ Licenced under CC-BY-4.0 :

given numGates : int(1..)

letting dGates be domain int(1..numGates)
letting dGatesZero be domain int(0..numGates)

$ each gate maps to a function converting (bool, bool) to bool
given gateFuncs : function (total) dGates --> (function matrix indexed by [int(1..2)] of bool --> bool)

given gateInpts : function (total) dGates --> matrix indexed by [int(1..2)] of int(-1..numGates)

given finalOutputs : function dGates --> bool

$ false for stuck off, true for stuck on, if there is no mapping for a gate, that gate is not faulty
find faultyGates : function dGates --> bool

minimising |faultyGates|

such that

    exists gateOutput : function (total) int(-1..numGates) --> bool .

        $ define external inputs
        gateOutput(-1) = false
        gateOutput(0) = true

        $ ensure that all gates either -
        (forAll gate : dGates .
            $ meet expected outputs based on their function
            ( gateOutput(gate) = gateFuncs(gate)([gateOutput(gateInpts(gate)[1]), gateOutput(gateInpts(gate)[2])])


            $ are broken in the correct way (either stuck on or off)
            gateOutput(gate) = faultyGates(gate)  )

        $ ensure output equals given output

        (forAll (gateLinkedtoOutput, expectedOutput) in finalOutputs .
                gateOutput(gateLinkedtoOutput) = expectedOutput