% Template design
% Problem 002 in CSPLib
% Based on "ILP and Constraint Programming Approaches to a Template
% Design Problem", Les Proll and Barbara Smith, School of Computing
% Research Report 97.16, University of Leeds, May 1997.
include "globals.mzn";
int: S; % Number of slots per template.
int: t; % Number of templates.
int: n; % Number of variations.
array[1..n] of int: d; % How much of each variation we must print?
% Lower and upper bounds for the total production.
int: llower = ceil(sum(i in 1..n)(int2float(d[i]))/int2float(S));
int: lupper = 2*llower; % If t>1, this should be the optimal Production_{t-1}-1.
% # Slots allocated to variation i in template j
array[1..n,1..t] of var 0..S: p;
% # Pressings of template j.
array[1..t] of var 1..lupper: R;
% Sum of all Rj.
var llower..lupper: Production;
% Production x S - sum(d[i])
var 0..lupper-llower: Surplus;
% First, set up Production to be the sum of the Rj
Production = sum(i in 1..t)(R[i]);
% the limits on production
Production >= llower /\ Production <= lupper;
% The number of slots occupied in each template is S.
forall(j in 1..t)
(sum(i in 1..n)(p[i,j]) = S);
% Enough of each variation is printed.
forall(i in 1..n)
(sum(j in 1..t)(p[i,j]*R[j]) >= d[i]);
% Symmetry constraints.
% Variations with the same demand are symmetric.
forall(i in 1..n-1) (
if d[i] == d[i+1] then
lex_lesseq([p[i, j] | j in 1..t],
[p[i+1,j] | j in 1..t])
% pseudo symmetry
forall(i in 1..n-1) (
if d[i] < d[i+1] then
sum (j in 1..t) (p[i,j]*R[j])
< sum (j in 1..t) (p[i+1,j]*R[j])
% implied constraints on the surplus
% These are presented in the paper as necessary to get good
% performance for this model, but I think bounds consistency on the
% sum(R[i]) constraint would produce the same amount of propagation
% Set up surplus, which is bounded as production is bounded.
Surplus = Production*S - sum(i in 1..n)(d[i]);
% The surplus of each variation is also limited by the surplus.
forall(k in 1..n)
(sum(j in 1..t)(p[k,j]*R[j]-d[k]) <= Surplus);
% The surplus of the first k variations is limited by the surplus.
forall(k in 2..n-1)
(sum(j in 1..t, m in 1..k)( p[m,j]*R[j]-d[m] ) <= Surplus);
% Implied constraints on the run length.
if t=2 then (
R[1] <= Production div 2
/\ R[2] >= Production div 2
) else true endif;
if t=3 then (
R[1] <= Production div 3
/\ R[2] <= Production div 2
/\ R[3] >= Production div 3
) else true endif;
% Minimize the production.
solve :: int_search(array1d(1..n*t,p) ++ R, input_order, indomain_min, complete)
minimize Production;
output [
if v = 1 then "template #" ++ show(i) ++ ": [" else "" endif ++
show(p[v, i]) ++
if v = n then "], pressings: " ++ show(R[i]) ++ "\n" else ", " endif
| i in 1..t, v in 1..n]
++ ["Total pressings: ", show(Production), "\n%\n"];