
  Water buckets problem in Comet.

  Problem description
  This is a generalization of the CSPLib specification, which is as follows: 
  Given an 8 pint bucket of water, and two empty buckets which can contain 
  5 and 3 pints respectively, the problem requires to divide the water into 
  two by pouring water between buckets (that is, to end up with 4 pints in 
  the 8 pint bucket, and 4 pints in the 5 pint bucket) in the smallest number 
  of transfers.

  The generalization consists in making the specification parametric with 
  respect to the start and goal configurations, which are now inputs to the problem.

  Problem input

    * Function start, assigning an initial amount of water to each bucket
    * Function goal, assigning the goal amount of water to each bucket 

  Search space
  The set of all possibile sequences of configurations (states), where a 
  configuration is a triple encoding the amount of water in each bucket at 
  a given time-step


    * C1: At beginning, buckets contain the amount of water specified by 
          function start
    * C2: At the end, buckets contain the amount of water specified by 
          function goal
    * C3: The configuration at each step differs from that of the next one 
          in that the amount of water of exactly 2 buckets changes (that in 
          the others remain the same)
    * C4: The overall amount of water is the same at each time step
    * C5: After each transition (involving buckets b1 and b2), either the 
          source bucket becomes empty, or the target becomes full

  Translation from the OPL code at

  Compare with the MIP model
  and the MiniZinc version of this model

  This Comet model was created by Hakan Kjellerstrand (
  Also, see my Comet page:


// Licenced under CC-BY-4.0 :

import cotfd;

int t0 = System.getCPUTime();

int nb_buckets = 3;
int max_step = 10;
range buckets = 1..nb_buckets;
range steps = 1..max_step;  

int capacity[buckets] = [8,5,3];
int start[buckets]= [8,0,0]; 
int goal[buckets]= [4,4,0];

Solver m();

// Assertions
forall(b in buckets) {
  assert(start[b] <= capacity[b] &&
         goal[b] <= capacity[b]);
assert( (sum(b in buckets)(start[b]) == sum(b in buckets)(goal[b])));

// Search space: The set of all possibile sequences of configurations 
// (states), where a configuration is a triple encoding the amount of 
// water in each bucket at a given time-step
var{int} state[s in steps,b in buckets](m, 0..capacity[b]);
var{int} goal_step(m, 1..max_step); // Objective function

 // For the AUX constraint, see below.
var{bool} change[1..max_step-1, buckets](m);

Integer num_solutions(0);

minimize goal_step subject to {

  forall(b in buckets) {
    // C1: At beginning, buckets contain the amount of water specified by 
    //     function start[1,b]==start[b]);

    // C2: At the end, buckets contain the amount of water specified 
    //     by function goal[goal_step,b] == goal[b]);

    // hakank: This works as well
    forall(i in 1..max_step) == goal_step => state[i, b] == goal[b]);

  forall(step in 1..max_step-1) {
    // C3: The configuration at each step differs from that of the next 
    //     one in that the amount of water of exactly 2 buckets changes 
    //     (that in the others remain the same) in buckets)(state[step,b] != state[step+1, b]) == 2);
    // C4: The overall amount of water is the same at each time step in buckets)(state[step,b]) == sum(b in buckets)(state[step+1,b]));
    // C5: After each transition (involving buckets b1 and b2), 
    //     either the source bucket becomes empty, or the target becomes full
    forall(b1 in buckets, b2 in buckets : b1 != b2) {
              (state[step, b1] != state[step+1, b1]) && 
              (state[step, b2] != state[step+1, b2])
              state[step+1,b1] == 0 || 
              state[step+1,b1] == capacity[b1] ||
              state[step+1,b2] == 0 || 
              state[step+1,b2] == capacity[b2]


  // From the second version
  // AUX: Addition of auxiliary predicates
  // Auxiliary predicate stores, for each time step, which buckets change 
  // their amount of water wrt the next one
  forall(step in 1..max_step-1, b in buckets) {[step,b] == (state[step,b] != state[step+1,b]));


} using {

  num_solutions := num_solutions + 1;

  cout << "goal_step: " << goal_step << endl;
  forall(s in steps) {
    if (s <= goal_step) {
      forall(b in buckets) {
        cout << state[s,b] << " ";
      cout << endl;
  cout << endl;


cout << "\nnum_solutions: " << num_solutions << endl;
int t1 = System.getCPUTime();
cout << "time:      " << (t1-t0) << endl;
cout << "#choices = " << m.getNChoice() << endl;
cout << "#fail    = " << m.getNFail() << endl;
cout << "#propag  = " << m.getNPropag() << endl;