% A Golomb ruler is a set of integers (marks) a(1) < ... < a(n) such
% that all the differences a(i)-a(j) (i > j) are distinct. Clearly we
% may assume a(1)=0. Then a(n) is the length of the Golomb ruler. For
% a given number of marks, n, we are interested in finding the shortest
% Golomb rulers. Such rulers are called optimal.
% Currently (1999), optimal rulers are known up to n=21.
% See
% ECLiPSe solution by Joachim Schimpf, IC-Parc. The code is inspired
% by Jean-Francois Puget and Michel Leconte's ILOG solver solution.
% N Opt Backtr Backtr Time(s)
% to opt total total
% 5 11 0 0 0.0
% 6 17 0 3 0.0
% 7 25 7 24 0.4
% 8 34 45 186 3.8
% 9 44 309 1013 33.4
% 10 55 2797 6008 287
% 11 72 15597 88764 6500
% 12 85 487865 763328 75300
:- lib(ic).
:- lib(ic_global).
:- lib(branch_and_bound).
:- import alldifferent/1 from ic_global.
golomb(N, Xs) :-
length(Xs, N), % model
NN is 2^(N-1)-1,
Xs :: [0..NN],
once append([0|_], [Xn], Xs),
ordered(<, Xs),
distances(Xs, Diffs),
once append([D1|_], [Dn], Diffs),
D1 #< Dn,
bb_min(labeling(Xs), Xn, _default). % search
distances([], []).
distances([X|Ys], D0) :-
distances(X, Ys, D0, D1),
distances(Ys, D1).
distances(_, [], D, D).
distances(X, [Y|Ys], [Diff|D1], D0) :-
Diff #= Y-X,
distances(X, Ys, D1, D0).