from Numberjack import *
# N-Queens
# The N-Queens problem is the probelm of placing N queens on an N x N chess
# board such that no two queens are attacking each other. A queen is attacking
# another if it they are on the same row, same column, or same diagonal.
def get_model(N):
queens = VarArray(N, N)
model = Model(
AllDiff([queens[i] + i for i in range(N)]),
AllDiff([queens[i] - i for i in range(N)])
return queens, model
def solve(param):
queens, model = get_model(param['N'])
solver = model.load(param['solver'])
solver.setHeuristic(param['heuristic'], param['value'])
out = ''
if solver.is_sat() and param['print'] == 'yes':
out += print_chessboard(queens)
out += ('\nNodes: ' + str(solver.getNodes()))
return out
def print_chessboard(queens):
out = '+---' * len(queens) + '+\n'
for queen in queens:
out += ('| '*queen.get_value()+'| Q |'+' |'*(len(queens)-1-queen.get_value())+'\n'+'+---'*len(queens)+'+\n')
return out
default = {'solver': 'Mistral', 'N': 6, 'heuristic': 'MinDomainMinVal',
'print': 'yes', 'value': 'Lex', 'verbose': 0, 'tcutoff': 30}
if __name__ == '__main__':
param = input(default)
print solve(param)